Shooting Stars are the Flying Fish of the Night by Lynn Michell and Stefan Gregory
Critics’ Reviews
I recognise many of the mistakes I myself have made. If you dream or plan to sail off into the blue, you will learn from this book. A great read for those who are going or want to go over the horizon!
— Sir Chay Blyth
Shooting Stars are the Flying Fish of the Night should be compulsory reading for anyone intending to make their first extended offshore trip under sail, especially if the boat is also new to them. It is also an endearing human story of three members of a family, father, mother and son battling to survive both physically and emotionally. It tells of Lynn’s anquish in having allowed their chronically ill son, Louis, to accompany them and Louis’s unfailing loyalty to both his parents. Few families put themselves through such a test and then have the courage to commit it all nakedly to paper.
— Chris Hawes, Director of Yacht Fractions
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