Childhood’s Hill by Marjorie Wilson

Critics’ Reviews

Luminous, episodic, sensual, rather like memory itself.
— Susan Mansfield, The Scotsman

I have greatly enjoyed Childhood’s Hill, as lovely a read as I can remember, many beautiful touches and wonderful descriptive passages. Some I could read over and over again.
— Maurice Fleming, Former Editor of Scots Magazine

Very, very, very good.
— Hugh Andrews, Birlinn Books

At the age of 96, Marjorie Wilson wonders if, in Childhood’s Hill, her recollections of growing up ‘in a time long ago’, she has ever moved on. If not moving on means producing reflections as enchanting as these, then long may she stay rooted in the past. Despite the years that have gone by since she grew up in Edinburgh and the countryside of Midlothian her recall is crystal sharp, not least that of her mother’s busy restaurant, where men lolled on high stools eating hot pies and gravy, and the racehorse-riding grandfather who died crashing into a lamp-post. To it all she brings a light, wry touch and a serene wisdom.
— Review, This England

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