lp-intern-liz-150For eight years Lynn Michell has run Linen Press single handed with invaluable help from website wonder woman Louise Santa Ana and with generous support from a long line of talented interns who stay for while before leaving for paid jobs in publishing or to continue their studies. Liz Rao has now come aboard as Assistant Editor.

Liz came to Linen Press as an intern and at once became a virtual fixture at my side. She is tenacious, inventive, creative and rips through prose at the speed of light. She has a finely-tuned ear for the structure and rhythm of narrative and a skill for mending awkward sentences. A ready-made editor, she has worked line by line with me on our 2016 publication 165 Days by Asad Qureshi, and is now co-editing Avril Joy’s Sometimes A River Song.

I am delighted that Liz has joined the Linen Press team. Her energy, youth and irreverent humour are exactly what I need as we push our small press to greater visibility and success in the coming year.